Immersive Opportunity Proposal

For guidance on what constitutes an opportunity and how to fill out this form, click hereClick here to view all existing opportunities in the Opportunities Database.

What is your opportunity called? This text is searchable by students looking for opportunities.
Faculty-directed or mentored bench science, fieldwork, data science, literature review, creative arts-based research, technology research, etc.
Extended study away from student’s home community that includes an examination of diverse perspectives, intercultural competencies, global skills (including language skills), independent decision-making, etc
Preparation for followed by direct or indirect work with an entity or group that benefits a community or region (such as voter registration, advocacy and education, political involvement, etc.) or direct or indirect work with an entity or group that provides a service or product to a group or community (such as work with government or nonprofit organizations, extended involvement with a community group or project, etc.).
Pre-professional training, project development and management, and formalized leader training or certifications.
Enterprise development and planning, social or technological innovation, creative arts-based activity, human-centered design, making and prototyping, etc.
A paid or unpaid position taken for the purpose of exploring a given career field or preparing for future studies or employment; usually lasts a full summer or semester.
Provide an in-depth description of your opportunity. What do students need to know if they are considering your opportunity? Please list any associated course(s) required or any pre-/co- requisites. If this opportunity has set dates, please list them.
What type of opportunity are you offering?
Provides student with hands-on, active learning situations in which the student learns through doing and reflection; examples include direct or indirect community or civic engagement or methodological training for research or production. The timeline of a given experience may vary, but it is recommended for students to be engaged in experiential learning for a minimum of one (1) academic term or more.
Offers student the opportunity to integrate and apply learning to the creation of a final project. Examples include but are not limited to poster presentations, blogs, academic papers, artistic pieces, prototypes, podcasts, etc. (Student does not have to be sole creator of project)
Opportunities in this category offer both a hands-on, active learning experience wherein a student learns through doing and reflection, as well as the option to complete a final project as a culminating reflection of the experience. Final projects must be guided by faculty at the university.
Where is your opportunity offered?
Where will your on-campus opportunity be offered? Be as general or as specific as needed.
Select the option that most applies.
When should the Office of Experiential Learning & Immersion Vanderbilt (EL&IV) publish the opportunity?
When should the Office of Experiential Learning & Immersion Vanderbilt (EL&IV) expire the opportunity?
How can a student apply to or learn more about your opportunity? Provide a URL if you have an online application or information; provide text if you do not.
What school(s) are sponsoring this opportunity? Select all that apply. Select 'Other' and specify other campus office, if applicable.
Please provide the name of the contact person who can answer questions about this opportunity.
Please provide the opportunity contact's email address. This will be used to send a notification about the status of the request.
Are there any costs associated with this opportunity (i.e., for supplies/training, transportation, etc.)? If so, do you offer any support to assist with associated costs for students who get involved?
If you would like to limit the students who are eligible for your opportunity, then describe it below (examples: academic level, limited to students in a major, prerequisites, etc.)
If you would like to include an attachment with your opportunity listing, please add it here.

Please follow these links to learn more about appropriate certifications and processes.

This opportunity will be added to the database after it passes the appropriate school/college approval.